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Efficiency. Wellness. Retention.

When “adult radiologists” cover pediatric reads, two things can happen: either their efficiency suffers as they languish in low-demand evening, weekend and overnight shifts; or they face an increased workload that can leave them with too little bandwidth to cover other needs.

ePRA’s teleradiology services solve both problems, providing the extra support your onsite radiologists need during busy times and freeing them up to perform other essential tasks. Freeing up your onsite radiologists to focus on other reads cuts turnaround times and improves onsite radiologists’ work-life balance, giving retention a boost as well.

Service Highlights

  • Tailors services to your needs
    • Can provide final reads or preliminary reports that are automatically reviewed the following day
    • Preliminary reads and final reads receive same attention
  • Sets the industry standard for quality with a patient-centric approach
    • Impressive quality control and experienced support personnel
    • Every case with a discrepancy or quality assurance concern is reviewed
  • Prioritizes the patient experience and patient care at your facility
    • Improve speed and quality of radiology services
    • Boost operational efficiency and patient satisfaction
    • Accurate reads, improved communication with onsite pediatric clinicians
  • Improves operational efficiency
  • Freeing up “adult radiologists” from performing pediatric reads allows them to focus on other reads, boosting turnaround time

Questions? Contact the ePRA practice development team.

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